The Why

I wanted to start this blog with the easiest thing I know to write about, my ‘WHY’.

A ‘Why” can be many forms of things to each person individually. It can seem small on the outside but be so deep on the inside, that it is a part of your soul.

The “Why” doesn’t come to you in your sleep.

The “Why” doesn’t come to you in a dark room, alone with your thoughts.

The “Why” comes from within.

The “Why” could be a multitude of small things. The “Why” could be just 1 thing. It Doesn’t matter. All that matters is the “Why” is stronger than anything put in front of it.

My Why

My “Why” of why I wanted to start a business in a saturated market of fitness and nutrition wasn’t for the money.

It was for something more.

It was for that human out there that wants to change, wants to be disciplined, but just can’t seem to find the ways to do it.

It is for the person who knows what it’s going to be like when they reach their goal.

It is the transformations of the mind that the human gets from the gain of previous workouts, no matter their fitness level.

It’s the losses they win from and losses they fail from but overcome.

It’s the mental fortitude that is poured out of their souls for one more rep.

It’s the discipline of nutrition and workouts they hate, but do it because they know it’s what stands between them and their personal “Why”.

My Turning Point

The story that brought me to this realization isn’t my own, but the outcome of someone very close to me.

Let me preface the story by saying my girls are my world. My wife Tamara, and my two littles, Lillian and Emily mean everything to me. They will forever drive me to be better for them.

But a few years ago I saw a transformation that gave me the inspiration to help people. Through no credit of my own, only her own will power, my Mom Kathi has turned her life around.

Her determination, self-awareness, self-discipline, and leadership scale off the charts. I may be a little biased but we can argue about this at another time.

Her pharmacy of pills, bad health, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, high-stress job, and lack of self-confidence kept her from performing to her full potential.

She felt hopeless. She felt like there was nothing left for her. She was done.

But the gift of grandchildren changed her perspective. She decided her “Why” was bigger than the problems she had in her life.

She decided that she deserved more. Instead of feeling trapped and hopeless, she realized she could take charge, take control and make a change. She realized it was only her mind that had been holding her back.

She was committed but still needed some guidance. She needed the knowledge and tools to get the ball rolling. After hearing a radio ad for LT360 on K-Love she joined their life transformation program and got to work.

I will forever be grateful for this company and what they did for my family.

I’m honored to say that she is now off medication, eating healthier, and is playing with her grandchildren daily.

She’s not perfect all the time, none of us are. She accepts the wins in her life and she’s not done yet.

So that’s my “Why”. That’s my story of how Joe Baker Fitness became an idea and is now transpiring into something bigger than just another fitness thing.

If we fail, that’s OK. I will still strive to lead, guide, and learn from others to help make me Bulletproof.

  1. Focker says:

    Thank you for sharing your WHY!
    I am sure your mom, M, and 2.0s are very proud of what you are doing to help others improve their quality of life and attain their goals.
    Be Bulletproof!

  2. David Fetzer says:

    Great post, JB, and thanks for sharing. You continue to be an inspiration and driver for so many. Keep it up!

  3. Chap says:

    Strong words and a strong Why bro. Go get it!

  4. Danny Kleeman says:

    Nice work bro. Its so motivating seeing your type of story. Even better when,its my family and someone close. Ive experimented alot this year. Diets etc.. Ive decided to just focus on calories. Energy in compared to energy out. Its working but slow. But slow is better I think when its your life. I’m so proud of you and your mom. God Bless!!

  5. Ben Key says:

    Proud of you Joe (aka JoeB1kenobi)!

  6. Joe Baker says:

    Thanks brother! Same goes for you! You have been crushing it!

  7. Larry Shaffer says:

    Nice post Joe. No doubt your mom’s success was a motivating factor. I applaud you for sharing and your commitment to helping others. Good luck to Baker’s Dozen

  8. Ryan says:

    Excellent perspective! I love how the mind was the first to change!

  9. Mike Sweeting ‘Comet’ says:

    Great post Joe. It’s been amazing to see the transformation your Mom has gone through and seeing her progress recently. I know you take great pride in what you do, seeing people change their lifestyle for the better. I know it means that much more having your Mom make those changes. You should be proud of what you’re doing and what she’s done.

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