JBF Featured Athlete – Allison Grubbs

JBF Featured Athlete

Allison Grubbs


The best way to summarize my athletic career is… average. I’ve never been the fastest, strongest, or best at anything I’ve tried. From age 5 to college, I was a competitive swimmer. I love the water, love the sport, but was very… average.

Fast forward to my twenties, I tried CrossFit. Became obsessed (like everyone, right?) and wasn’t bad.. but again.. average.

Being obsessed with CrossFit led me to finding out about Sealfit Kokoro (a few of the games athletes did it). This led to a new training purpose and when I completed it, it opened up a set of doors into all these sports I had never heard of. Which, for an average Jane like me, was perfect. I found adventure racing, swimruns, OCR, trail running, Ironman, and finally GORUCK.

Obviously wanting to go hard or go home, I signed up for Selection without thinking about even trying an event. Lucky me, I got convinced to try the Bragg heavy, where I didn’t really meet Joe, but I recall him lurking (lol). Realizing I might need some help figuring out what exactly I had signed up for, I reached out and asked if he would take me on with the goal of selection 2022.

I don’t think I need to touch too much on that; I had an amazing experience. As far as going forward.. I’m not done with Selection. I don’t know if it’s beginners luck that I got as far as I did, but I can say that joe was invaluable at helping me in preparing, both mentally and physically.

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