JBF Featured Athlete – Allison Grubbs – SELECTION FINISHER!

JBF Featured Athlete

Selection Finisher

Allison Grubbs


We want to congratulate Allison on finishing 2023 selection!!

Selection is a demon that people from around the world come to fight. It’s a force within you and you can feel it follow you everyday when you are training to complete GORUCK Selection.

The past 2 years, Allison has been training to complete GORUCK Selection. Last year didn’t go how she intended but that’s her story to tell.

My story to tell is that as our training went on day to day, she was crushing every aspect but little to no encouragement came from me on the Coach side. We joked often and became great friends. But still she would ask, did I do good? I would maybe throw her a, “You did ok” or “not really you can do better.” Her reply was always a smile and would go into the next day set out to prove me wrong.

Well Allison, today you officially get it out of me.


I’m very proud of your efforts throughout training and the event(s) itself. You are a very impressive human who became bulletproof and completed the high risk of failure goal you set out to achieve. You are a true inspiration to all that witnessed and those you meet in the future to tell your story, not just the ladies. You have inspired my household and I can never repay my gratitude for that. Once again, good job.

Read more about selection on the GORUCK website, and of course, if you have your sights set on this or other goals, let me know, I’d love to train you!

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