Featured Athlete | James White

Tell us about how you started Ruck and Sandbag training or events (if applicable).

In Spring 2023, I remarked to a co-worker how I needed to “get in better shape.”  He suggested rucking as an alternative to running. From there, I did some online research, joined a few Facebook groups, and was quickly initiated into the world of GORUCK.

Having been mostly sedentary for many years, I committed to the Tribe N’ Training WODs 5x week. Shortly thereafter I started hosting the WODs in my driveway as a ruck club leader. I haven’t skipped a workout (by choice) since.

Since being committed to my health and fitness, I’ve lost 85lbs and reversed fatty liver and pre-diabetes. 

Most Memorable Event or Fitness achievement?

With less than a year of rucking experience, I attempted Operation Ocala, a 25# (dry weight), 65+ mile overnight ruck on the Florida Trail through the Ocala National Forest. My longest ruck up till then had been 20 miles, so it was no guarantee that I would finish within the 24 hr time cap. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and did, indeed, complete the mission. I earned some Green Beret Fitness dog tags and a cool OpOcala patch. As much as I love the team element of GORUCK events, I enjoyed the solitude of rucking mile after mile in the dark with just my thoughts to keep me company. 

What are you training for?

I’m training for life and whatever it may throw my way. I want to be a good example to my wife, kids, friends, and coworkers. I also want to be “hard to kill.”

Tell us about why you train with The Bakery?

After completing a custom Double Tough event, I knew I wanted to prepare for something even more challenging. HTBs caught my eye. When I asked more experienced GRTs for how to prepare for that, many pointed me to “The Bakery.”  If The Bakery helped a GORUCK Selection Finisher, it could surely aid me in prepping for an HTB.

What drives you in your fitness journey?

My desire for vitality and longevity. I spent too many years being comfortable (and incapable). I want to do some hard things before this fleeting life is over. Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail is a bucket list goal, and the only way that’s happening is if I’m fit and healthy. 

If you could set one fitness-related world record, what would it be?

It would have to be something really silly, since I am chasing GENERAL physical preparedness as opposed to specialization. How about most improved flexibility/mobility from any male between the ages of 44-46?

If you could train with any athlete (past or present), who would it be and why?

Jason Khalipa. He seems like a down-to-earth dude who cares about his fellow man. 

What’s the best piece of fitness advice you’ve ever received?

Jocko Willink’s “Discipline Equals Freedom” axiom. When I was relying on “motivation” before doing a workout, I would frequently skip them. When I committed to working out on certain days, I just showed up, did the work, and the results materialized over time.

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