Featured Athlete | Michael Perritt

Tell us about how you started Ruck and Sandbag training or events (if applicable).

There were people doing GORUCK events in the fire department I work for. They asked if I would be interested. My 1st event was the 911 Basic in Shansksville, Pennsylvania. It was actually not that bad, so I signed up for The Battle of Fallugah Tough in Fredrick, MD. It was with Cadre Andy and Shredder. At that time it was the hardest 16 hours of my life, but worth it. One thing I would like to mention about that event. We happened to stumble upon a Suicide Awareness Event for Veterans being held that morning. Cadre Andy had us sit down in a group and spoke to us about his experiences with suicide and loss. There was not a dry eye in the group. It would be the first in a series of lessons learned from the GORUCK Cadre. Between the events, the people, and different physical fitness than I was used to I became hooked on GORUCK.

Most Memorable Event or Fitness achievement?

Actually, I would say the Heavy I quit. Also, sitting on a North Carolina mountain during a Green Beret Fitness Event debating to quit. I like most in this realm of fitness hate failure and despise quitting. After the Heavy I debated on doing easier GORUCK or fitness events. If memory serves me correctly I did take a brief time off. In the end I knew I had unfinished business. I knew what I had to do. Through Joe and the sense of community in The Bakery I was able to steadily increase not only my physical ability, but transform my mindset. The mindset became more of I can, and I will. I realized that just because I couldn’t do something today doesn’t mean I can’t tomorrow. Getting my 1st set of blots at the Bragg HTB in 2023 was redemption.  Redemption is short and only remembered you. I completed another HTB in October of 2023, because I could. Now the focus is to help others believe in themselves so they to can have the mindset of I can and I will.

What are you training for?

Bragg in March of 2024 and Marine Recon the end of October. I’m sure something else will come up.

Tell us about why you train with The Bakery?

There is a lot of value with Joe and the programming. What stands out for me is a sense of commitment you get to the community within The Bakery. Through the Marco Polo app you are able to connect with others. Some training for their own thing others are all training for the same event. The connection you get is pretty amazing and it’s motivating. You train with community and see all there failures and successes. You get to know them so when you meet them at an event it’s like you already know them. The Bakery is able to bring together a group of like minded individuals who help each other become better at fitness, but also better humans.

What drives you in your fitness journey?

You only live here on Earth once so I plan to make the best of what I have left. I did other things in my earlier days that were the opposite of fitness. Now in my late 40s I’ve discovered doing hard shit is fun as long at you put in the work before hand. 

If you could set one fitness-related world record, what would it be?

Oldest Male to complete GORUCK Selection.

If you could train with any athlete (past or present), who would it be and why?

Matt Fraser. He won the CrossFit Games 5 times. I think that puts him among the best athletes of all time. 

What’s the best piece of fitness advice you’ve ever received?

Joe made me realize is it’s all the stuff people don’t see like the extra reps, stretching, eating, and mobility. It’s the discipline of the mundane unseen work that takes you to the next level. 

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